Telecommunications play an important role in the socio-economic development of a
country and have a significant impact on trade, job creation, national integration,
networking and cultural exchange. Telecommunication services are rapidly growing
around the world, including in Senegal.

The mobile penetration rate reached 117% in 2017, while the continental average is
80%. Therefore, the wireless communication industry is distinguished by a great
Nevertheless, the sector is dominated by a few carriers who frequently employ
anticompetitive practices at the expense of the country's economy and consumers.
CICODEV Africa has worked hard to bring more competition into the industry through
advocacy, to introduce portability in Senegal.
As a result, the user now has the opportunity to switch carriers while retaining the
same mobile number. This forces carriers to improve the quality of their services,
lower their prices and to use technological innovation to increase customer loyalty
and expand their market share.