This program aims to achieve food sovereignty, for and through consistent and sustainable Food access by urban, peri-urban and rural consumers; to a healthy and
nutritious diet.

This program focuses on 5 areas :

  • Market regulation to make staple foods available in quantity, quality and effective
    competition for fair pricing and transparent distribution;
  • Land governance to facilitate a transparent, participatory and equal land resource
    management, primarily oriented to meet dietary needs;
  • Promotion of local consumption to reverse the extroverted nature of consumer
    choices and models by removing obstacles surrounding the production, processing,
    distribution and consumption of local products
  • Agro-ecology to promote, diffuse and control ethical agro-ecological practices for
    agriculture and sustainable management of natural resources (land, water, seeds,
  • Improving the nutritional quality of food for impoverished urban, peri urban and
    rural households by raising awareness on consumption of local products with high
    nutritional value