Access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

If progress in access to water in urban areas in Senegal are African and world reference with rates of 98.7% -which omen of the possibility of achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 2015 for hydraulic urban-rural areas access rates are of concern with a rate of 64%.
Even more worrying is the rate of access to rural sanitation with 35.6% and an overall rate (urban / rural) 47.4% (Potable Water Program and sanitation of the Millennium in 2012).

Other items of concern are the quality and especially the sustainability of water resources.

The CICODEV Africa program seeks to place the access to water and sanitation at the heart of the agenda post 2015 with more ambitious access rates for rural and disadvantaged consumers and influence the governance of the sector and behaviors to access and equitable and sustainable consumption; taking into account the risks from climate change.


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